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Discover the world's best investors search platform

Prospect, match, contact thousands of investors and get funded in one place

It really fast and easy

All information at one place

Daily updated information

This is how it works and how you can use it?

Select among more than 20k investors around the globe with all their investment approach already sourced and filtered that helps you make the best and fastest decision: The investment aproach is based on the investors'

  • Geography,

  • Country

  • Industries and sectors,

  • Market

  • Technology,

  • Business model, 

  • Ticket size, series, stage and so much more.

Additionally, you have a contact button to send your pitch right away. All of these things are done in just one place so that you save time and act efficiently.


What sets us apart from the rest

Beyond our tailored information infrastructure with purpose-mission to help founders target the right investors and reduce time wasting, EAdbAE™ stands apart from the competition by giving you everything you need to stay ahead.  EAdbAE™ Investors Search Platform makes it easy to discover meaningful data with filtering options that include: assets under management, number of investment professionals, industry and geographic preferences, location, preferred deal type and more.


You save lot of time saving

Our service will prevent you browsing thousands of website, reading thousands of "about pages", sending hundreds of emails and will help you save time.


You find the right investor

Our service will help you to find the right investors ready to invest in your Start-Up by Prospect, match and meet the right investors ready and willing to back up your business.


All the information needed in one place

You will never have to visit the entire web to find the right investor. In our platform, you can filter the right investor, based on their specific investment approach.


Updated data in a daily basis

You certainly find lot of investors database out there. But you still have to make your ouwn research to get the right investor. EAdbAE™ has already make these research for you.

Find the right investors ready to invest in you

We collect millions of unstructured data points each day and turn it into actionable intelligence for our founders. We help you discover the perft business partners before anyone else, and stay up to date with the innovation economy.

Up-to-date information

Research & Analysis

Great deal for you


Find investors from everywhere

Either you are looking for national or international investor, either you are looking for investor for global business, local and regional location, we get you covered because our database have gathers information about the most active investors from everywhere in the globe.


Global and agnostics

Investors who invest all alraound the glob in all sectors.


Local investors

Investors who invest in specifics place and sector


Regional investors

Investors that invest in specific region or selected countries.


Impact investors

Investors who invest in business with purpose

EAdbAE for Venture Capital & Private Equity

Identify under-the-radar companies with EAdbAE™ signal and smart search module and tailored filters.

In-depth company research

Access verified contact information on over 100k founders and easily connect with them.

Discover promissing companies

Locate your peers and competitors across the globe, connecting with the right investors.

Find suitable co-investors to make the journey

How do we get our data?

At EAdbAE™, our specialized data operations associates paired with fine-tuned processes and algorithms deliver timely intelligence across a broad offering of datasets every day. Enjoy -20% OFF on subscribing in our mailing list. Get an additional -20% OFF when inviting someone else to join us.

  • Best Value


    Every year
    Valid for 12 month. Get -50% OFF when you recommend our site, share comment and like our posts in LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
    • Get -50% OFF when sharing our posts
    • Access more than +20k investors in the world.
    • +500 Women business angels around the globe
    • + 500 VC that invest in under represented collective.
    • +1K global family that invest in early stage companies
    • +1k most active VC in USA, Europe and LATAM
    • +50 Most active african business angels
    • More than 500 investors added every month
    • +300 most active VC capital investing in Saas and AgroTech
    • +500 impact VC, PE and BA investors around the glob
    • Downloadable of 3k business angels and 4k VC funds
    • Direct access to submit your pitch deck
    • Direct access to their investment approach and philosophy.
    • Access their contacts information, email and forms*.
    • Access up-to-date company data
    • Contact investors directly from our system.
    • Startup founder’s guide to financial modeling sample
    • List of the best accelerators in the world
    • Daily updated information
    • Constanly growing list (every week we add more investors)
    • Valuable resources for entrepreneurs and founders monthly
    • Additional resources for founders

Discover the world's most promising companies, VC, PE, Corporates, etc.

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